I get to literally take part in making a wish come true for a child. When many of our wish kids spend so much time in the hospital, we get to create an experience that our kids may not be able to do otherwise.
My favorite wish I have ever been a part of was for a wish kid named Tyler. My company, ACTION Wrestling, gave Tyler the chance to fulfill his life-long goal of becoming a pro-wrestler. We put on regular wrestling shows, each benefitting a different local charity, so my team was excited to learn they’d be a part of a wrestling-related wish.
On Tyler’s wish day, he rotated through the roles outside of the ring, serving as an announcer, commentator and manager for the matches. As the event drew towards an end, Tyler, whose wrestling name is Super Nova, got his chance in the ring against Kevin Blue for the World International Super Heavyweight Championship (WISH)! The crowd went wild as he claimed a victory!
Seeing Tyler come out of his shell to create his own character was really something. His wish has really transformed his life, bringing out a new confidence in himself! To be a part of THAT… that’s a gift."