I wish to go to Walt Disney World




Sydney's Wish

Sydney's Wish

June 2024

Sydney just got back from her magical Disney World trip for her Make-A-Wish experience. The 4-year-old is from the Chattanooga area and is overcoming a tough battle with Leukemia. Sydney chose this wish because she wanted to meet the characters (mainly the princesses), ride the rollercoasters, and have a wish where she could be with her family – she loves them so much!

Sydney loves being with her siblings, playing with barbie dolls, and coloring. She’s very outdoorsy and enjoys playing kickball, swimming, going for walks, and playing on her playset. Sydney and her family like to spend family time by going to the park, having campfires and roasting marshmallows, growing gardens, and playing games. Sydney has 1 cat, 2 dogs, and 2 chickens that she loves with her whole heart. She wants to either be a scientist or an “animal doctor” when she grows up. Her favorite color is pink, her favorite candy is gummy bears, and her favorite book is about bunnies.