I wish for a Yorkie puppy.



Hodgkin's Lymphoma

Gracyn's Wish

Gracyn's Wish

Gracyn is 13 years old and wished for a puppy! She chose this wish because she loves dogs and wanted her very own that she can start caring for from the start of a young age. Gracyn wanted a Yorkie because she loves how tiny the Yorkies are. She said that coming home to her dog after doctor appointments will brighten her day! Gracyn and Sadie are now your new favorite sidekicks 😊 Gracyn loves to spend her time by watching her favorite show, Chicago Fire. She also enjoys softball, riding horses, and doing arts and crafts. Gracyn excels in her Language Arts class and aspires to become a nurse as a career someday

March 2024

Gracyn is 13 years old and wished for a puppy! She chose this wish because she loves dogs and wanted her very own that she can start caring for from the start of a young age. Gracyn wanted a Yorkie because she loves how tiny the Yorkies are. She said that coming home to her dog after doctor appointments will brighten her day! Gracyn and Sadie are now your new favorite sidekicks.

Gracyn loves to spend her time by watching her favorite show, Chicago Fire. She also enjoys softball, riding horses, and doing arts and crafts. Gracyn excels in her Language Arts class and aspires to become a nurse as a career someday. Gracyn and her family like to spend family time together by watching movies and going on drives. Her favorite color is blue, and she loves pepperoni pizza! Three words that describe Gracyn are smart, kind, and fun.