I wish to give water, food, and toys to children and families affected by Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico

Zelaya's Story
Zelaya is a sweet little girl with a huge heart who had a big Wish – a wish to give water, food and toys to children and families in Puerto Rico. She had watched the tragedy in Puerto Rico unfold after Hurricane Maria and wanted to help. "It was the pictures of kids sitting on counters, and parents standing in the gross water trying to keep them safe that made me sad and I wanted to help,” Zelaya explained. Young Zelaya shared she could go on a trip anytime but helping these families was more important.

In August of 2018, local schools and businesses across Ventura County, including the Ventura County Sheriff's Department, joined together to launch a 1 week toy drive hoping for 500 toys. An astounding 1500 toys were collected to help make Zelaya's wish come true.
Then, in September 2018, on the 1-year anniversary of Hurricane Maria and Zelaya's 2-year anniversary of her bone marrow transplant, Zelaya’s Wish came true. Make-A-Wish® Tri-Counties teamed up with World Central Kitchen to secure local chefs and supplies and to provide food and water to local families. Make-A-Wish® Puerto Rico also supported her wish by enlisting the help of numerous staff and volunteers and rolling up their sleeves to help prepare the meal. Close to 800 children and families in a small community outside of San Juan, which is still recovering from extensive damage, received a hot meal of paella and salad, local fresh vegetables to take home, and toys for the children.

Zelaya and her family and a representative from World Central Kitchen gathered at the Wish Center in California to participate via Skype in Zelaya's wish coming true. Zelaya was able to talk with the families and children, to see the meals being served and the children receiving their toys, and to thank the chefs and volunteers for all they were doing to help the people of Puerto Rico on her behalf. Zelaya sent this message to everyone in Puerto Rico: "Keep your head held high. You are never alone, and I'm sending love to you always."
The wish to give is very rare – less than 5% of our wishes are to give. In 2019, Zelaya’s wish received one of the highest honors – the Infinite Wish Award from Make-A-Wish America. This wish was honored for the unique nature of the wish as well as the true spirit of community that was shown in the collaboration of local businesses, global partners, and volunteers that worked together to make this special wish come true.
How did Zelaya feel watching her wish come true? Through her happy tears she said, "It makes me feel good that other people will feel good."
Wishes make a difference.