cystic fibrosis

Whitley's wish to be a zoo keeper
For many children coping with the realities of a critical illness, there’s a distinct “before” and “after,” separated by a heart-wrenching diagnosis. But for six-year-old Whitley, illness has always been a part of her life.
When she was just a few days old, her pediatrician noticed that Whitley wasn’t gaining enough weight. Although it’s normal for newborns to lose a bit of weight shortly after birth, Whitley’s weight was alarming enough for the pediatrician to recommend that they go to the hospital.
For Whitley’s mom, Melissa Currey, “panic mode kinda set in a little bit. We went home thinking she was fine, but we got a phone call the next day from the pulmonologist.”
Whitley had cystic fibrosis
Fighting For Hope

Cystic fibrosis is a progressive disease that causes mucus in the body to become very thick. This typically affects the lungs, but can also interfere with the pancreas’ ability to secrete digestive enzymes. Without these enzymes, the body is unable to absorb the nutrients it needs from food.
This was why Whitley wasn’t gaining any weight. “She was malnourished,” Melissa shared. “For those first 11 days, anything she was eating, she wasn’t absorbing. Everything was going right through her.”
Just months after starting on supplemental enzymes, Whitley was already filling out. And even though she’s had two hospitalizations, she’s managed to thrive despite her diagnosis.
“Whitley is my wild child, in the best way!” Melissa said. “She dances to the beat of her own drum."
Perfect Timing
The Curreys heard about their potential Make-A-Wish eligibility when Whitley was less than a month old. “We had an awesome nurse,” Melissa recalled. “She was trying to make everything positive for us. [...] It was a nice thing to look forward to.”
Children must be at least 2½ to qualify for a wish, so the family patiently waited for the right opportunity. It was while speaking with a fellow cystic fibrosis mom that Melissa finally realized the time had come.
“Our kids had been through things at that point, even though they were so young. God forbid they are ever not doing as well as they are. I wanted her to be able to enjoy her wish experience.”
Knowing that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, Whitley began scouring the internet for ideas. It was while researching other wish experiences that she came across a story of another little girl who had wished to be zookeeper for a day. As an animal lover, this really resonated with Whitley.
The news that she would receive her wish couldn’t have come at a better time, as Whitley was in the hospital dealing with reduced lung function. “It was definitely a mood booster for her in there,” said Melissa. Even better? The trip was only a couple weeks away!
I would relive that week over and over again. Everything went so well and everybody was just so happy. It was just perfect.
-Wish Mom, Melissa
Whitley’s Zookeeper Wish

When it came to Whitley’s wish, there was one zoo that checked all the boxes: the San Diego Zoo.
“It was beautiful,” said Melissa. “It was the kids’ first time on a plane. None of us had ever been to California, so all of that was a brand new experience. Everybody was amazing.”
Whitley got to spend three days not only exploring the zoo, but getting to know several animals through exclusive, behind-the-scenes experiences. Her favorite? Sharing a pool with otters!
Help Us Create More Memories
Unfortunately, there is no cure for Whitley’s condition, and cystic fibrosis is a progressive disease. In many ways, hearing that she was eligible for a wish was “a reality check,” as her mom explained. “It’s our daily life, so we don’t really think of it like that. It’s a little bit bittersweet.”

But having a wish trip to celebrate Whitley’s achievements so far is something that the family will always remember.
“We don’t really get to go on family vacations often,” Melissa said. “To be able to do that is just priceless. I don’t have the words to say how incredible it was.”
Whitley is just one example of the thousands of children throughout Florida who have had their lives turned upside-down by a critical illness. At Make-A-Wish Central and Northern Florida®, these children have the opportunity to go wherever their imagination takes them!
You can help grant the wishes of children like Whitley by donating, volunteering, or attending a local event near you. Contact your local chapter to get connected!