I wish to have a playset!

I wish to have a playset!
John is an energetic 5-year-old boy who enjoys playing outside and going on different adventures with his family. John was diagnosed with leukemia when he was young, which caused him to go through rigorous treatments. Leukemia is a malignant progressive disease in which the bone marrow and other blood-forming organs produce increased numbers of immature or abnormal leukocytes. These suppress the production of normal blood cells, leading to anemia and other symptoms. When Make-A-Wish heard about John’s story, we knew we wanted to step in to grant him the wish of a lifetime!
John and his family teamed up with Make-A-Wish wish granters to discuss his interests and what he envisioned for his wish. While discussing different wish ideas, John couldn’t stop saying how much he wanted to have an outdoor playset. Seeing how excited John was at the possibility of his wish being granted for an outdoor playset, the wish granters and his parents decided to make it a reality! They knew by granting John’s wish, he would be able to de-stress after treatment and gain motivation to keep his energy levels high.
When John’s wish day came, it was a sunny warm day in Florida. The wish granters had the outdoor playset that John dreamt of all setup and ready to play on! There were signs and balloons decorated around the playset, so when John came out of his house to see it, he knew his wish was coming true!
John’s heartfelt wish was to have his very own outdoor playset that he could play on and enjoy every day. Thanks to Make-A-Wish Central and Northern Florida, he was been able to have his wish come to life!
Wishes are more than a nice gesture, a wish impacts children and their families alike for years to come. For wish kids like John, just the feeling of receiving a wish can give them the courage they need to comply with their medical treatments. A wish renews hope, uplifts spirits, and encourages the belief in the impossible. Together, we create life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses. To transform a child’s life today, please visit wish.org/cnfl.