Make-A-Wish Wish Kid To Participate in Revolutionary War Reenactment


Sons of the America Revolution will be surprising 16-year-old Nakeem at his home to tell him his wish is coming true. Nakeem is a 16-year-old boy who was diagnosed with a respiratory disorder who has wished to participate in a Revolutionary War Reenactment. Make-A-Wish Central and Northern Florida is sending Nakeem to Williamsburg and Mt. Vernon Virginia, where he will where a custom made uniform and participate in the reenactment. 

For his wish reveal, Make-A-Wish Central and Northern Florida has partnered with Florida based Revolutionary War reenactors, Sons of the American Revolution, who will surprise Nakeem at his home on Monday, April 25th. They will be dressed in full revolutionary war attire and present him with the coveted Sons of the American Revolution Good Citizenship medal and certificate.  This is an incredibly high honor, and SAR are excited to present him with it. 

Sons of the American Revolution will then reveal to Nakeem that his wish is coming true. The next day, Nakeem and his family will fly to Williamsburg, VA to participate in the  full Revolutionary War reenactment. The reveal and certain wish details are a surprise for Nakeem. 


Monday, April 25th, 2022


Family Home Address: 
4436 Blue Rock Dr, Sanford, FL 32771


3:30 PM Media arrival and set up
4:00 PM Nakeem and family invited outside for the surprise reveal


Wish Family 
Anne Cuba, Make-A-Wish® Central & Northern Florida President and CEO
Kelsea Hauck, Director of Marketing & Community Engagement with Make-A-Wish® Central & Northern Florida  


Media are asked to R.S.V.P. to Kelsea Hauck at or call 