Annual Report Volunteers

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Annual report mahalo volunteers

Mahalo to our Volunteers!

We often describe wishes as magic, and to our wish kids and the community, they certainly feel that way. But wishes aren’t pure magic; they take time, resources, and teamwork to grant. We truly could not grant wishes without our dedicated team of volunteers statewide—people who give their time, heart, and creativity toward changing the lives of keiki in their communities.

This year, more than ever, our volunteers rose to the occasion and made lemonade out of lemons. From conducting virtual visits with wish kids to granting life-changing, at-home wishes, they created the magic that made wishes possible this year. Thanks to them, our mission never stopped.

One Oahu volunteer, Michele Garcia, has been dedicated to bringing wishes to life since her niece, Precious, received her wish to have a motorized wheelchair. Since then, Michele has been dedicated to honoring her late niece’s legacy by supporting Make-A-Wish Hawaii as a wish granter, event volunteer, and more. This year, she and her ‘ohana also supported our virtual talent show and secured a generous grant through her workplace. Click below to read more!

Volunteer Spotlight: Michele Garcia

Annual Report Aizen Dance Party
Wish granters meet with Aizen for a virtual dance party!