Annual Report Medical Partners

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Annual Report Mary Mullis

Mahalo to our Healthcare Heroes!

In these uncertain times, one thing we all know for sure—and one thing Make-A-Wish Hawaii has always known—is that our local healthcare providers are truly heroes. We would like to send a message of thanks to our medical partners across the state for their dedication to our Hawaii community. For all their patients, including local wish keiki, their compassion and care gives them hope no matter how uncertain or difficult the times.

From referring new children so they may experience the hope a wish brings to granting wishes in the hospital when we couldn't be there in person, this year our medical community continued to keep wishes top of mind, even as they were faced with unprecedented challenges. Mahalo to our healthcare heroes for incorporating wishes into their treatment plans and helping to transform lives, one wish at a time.

Click below to read why Mary Mullis, a Kapi’olani Medical Center for Women and Children child life specialist, refers her patients to Make-A-Wish Hawaii, and watch Dr. Jessica Kosut join our Director of Mission Delivery for a virtual interview about our important partnership with Kapi’olani and the impact of a wish.

Annual Report kapiolani Award
Kapi’olani Medical Center for Women & Children Receives National Make-A-Wish Award. Read full story