Ways to Help Us

Thanks to passionate supporters like you, Make-A-Wish shines a light of hope for children fighting critical illnesses when they need it most. Together, we create life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses during their darkest days. Whether you are an individual donor, corporate sponsor, fundraising advocate or volunteer, your generous support transforms lives, one wish at a time
Volunteers are the backbone of making wishes come true 

They are at the airport greeting a wish family, delivering gifts or helping a child determine a heartfelt wish. Share your time and talents as a volunteer and transform a child’s life. 

Nominee wished to be a vet
Fundraising empowers you to make a greater impact 

Whether it’s through athletic events, lemonade stands or birthday fundraisers, passionate supporters rally their networks to grant wishes in their communities. 

Constellation Society - Greater LA
Constellation Society

Make-A-Wish Greater Los Angeles’ Constellation Society is a group of philanthropic partners who share our mission of granting life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses. 

wish kid Autumn and Mickey Mouse
Corporate sponsors transform lives 

Our generous local corporate sponsors help grant life-changing wishes through innovative and customized sponsorship programs. Learn how your company can make a difference today! 

Wish Alumni give back by wishing it forward

Wish It Forward is our alumni program for wish kids and their families who have experienced the joy of a wish with our chapter.

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There are many other ways to support Make-A-Wish®

Whether you donate airline miles, Adopt-A-Wish® or establish a charitable giving plan – there are so many ways you can transform kids' lives.