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Mary Catherine's Wish to Meet Mariah Carey

Meet 20-year-old Mary Catherine from Shreveport, LA, who wished to meet Mariah Carey!

Mary Catherine has always loved Mariah Carey’s music and hoped to not only meet Mariah but have a real conversation with the super star. When she arrived at the Hollywood Bowl in Los Angeles, Mary Catherine received the real VIP experience with front row seats to Mariah’s performance and a seat near other local celebrities attending the show. Mary Catherine had an amazing time belting out every one of her favorite songs! Finally, it was time to meet Mariah. Mariah was so kind and welcoming to Mary Catherine and her family. She autographed items for Mary Catherine and as they left the meet and greet, Mary Catherine said, “this is the best wish ever!” She immediately began calling all her friends to let them know how special her night was! 

"Mary Catherine says that there is not a day that goes by that she does not think of her trip to Los Angeles and of meeting Mariah Carey. She said it was the most wonderful experience of her entire life and that nothing will ever top the whirlwind weekend she had. Her entire life has been watching others do what she can't. Make-A-Wish granted her the added wish of, for once, having others watch her do what they can't. Thank you." - Mary Catherine's Mom

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