Corporate Giving

Your business can support Make-A-Wish® Massachusetts and Rhode Island in a variety of ways. Working together, we can grant more life-changing wishes and transform the lives of wish families. Learn more via the links below about becoming a corporate partner, sponsoring our events, and encouraging your employees to participate in workplace giving and matching gift opportunities. We thank our current corporate supporters and promotional partners for their generosity in helping to grant wishes! 
Wish kid Leland
Corporate Partners

Our corporate partners provide essential support to ensure that we continue advancing toward our vision of granting the wish of every eligible child. 

Wish kid Rosa
Workplace Giving

Encourage your employees to participate in workplace giving opportunities. 

Nominee wished to be a vet
Matching Gifts

You might be able to make your donation go even further with the help of your employer.  

Elizabeth with her white horse, Prince Aladdin, in the barn.
Event Sponsorship

Join us as an event sponsor to celebrate our mission and raise awareness in our community.

Wish kid Nashaly
Corporate Promotions

Through corporate promotions, awareness of Make-A-Wish grows as does the number of wishes we can fulfill. Check out current local and national promotions to benefit Make-A-Wish.