I wish to go to Disneyland!




Quinn's wish to go to Disneyland

Quinn's wish to go to Disneyland!

Quinn loves dressing up as Disney princesses and creating personalized birthday cards for friends and family. At just five years old, Quinn has been through more than most kids and even adults. She spent the first few years of her life isolated from her family while she battled leukemia. Quinn and her mom lived away from the rest of her family in the hospital for 6 months and one of the bright spots during that difficult time was when Quinn met Mickey Mouse. When it came time to choose her wish, Quinn wanted to visit her new friend Mickey at Disneyland! During their wish trip, Quinn and her family had an opportunity to bond and make up for so much lost time during their first trip to an amusement park. Quinn was able to go on thrilling rides and meet some of her favorite characters with her siblings! Quinn's favorite moment was when R2D2 from Star Wars escorted her family on to the Millennium Falcon ride in Disneyland. Thank you for creating life-long memories for Quinn and her family.

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