I wish to have a Soft Play Area!




Eliana's Wish for a Soft Play Area

Eliana's wish to have a Soft Play Area!

On her birthday, 4-year-old Eliana from Indio experienced a soft play area for the first time. She was able to climb through bright pink tunnels, jump in a pink princess castle, and sit in a cozy ball pit. After her treatments for leukemia, Eliana always asks for a soft play area so she can relive her favorite day. Thanks to our incredible supporters, Eliana wish came true! Elaina has the joy of her own soft play area in her own backyard. She also has a fun water play and puzzle area to keep cool and continue her learning while she plays. Now whether after treatment or just after lunch time, Eliana is able to

On her birthday, 4-year-old Eliana from Indio experienced a soft play area for the first time. After her treatments for leukemia, Eliana always asked for a soft play area so she can relive her favorite day. Thanks to our incredible supporters, Eliana wish came true! Eliana now has the joy of her own soft play area in her backyard! She can climb through bright pink tunnels, jump in her pink princess castle, and sit in her cozy ball pit. She also has a fun water play and puzzle area to keep cool and continue her learning while she plays. Now whether after treatment or just after lunch time, Eliana is able to have endless fun alongside her family in her backyard soft play area!

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